25 Winter Homeowner Tips
Be ahead of the curve ... so you can go have fun in our Alaskan playgound Here is a guide to 25 considerations as a homeowner in our Alaska frozen and snowy winters.
In addition to my checklist, I also recommend getting an annual home inspection to evaluate areas of your home that might need attention before they become a problem. You can learn about home inspections here: https://www.staygoldinspections.com/
1. Clear snow from sidewalks, driveways and steps to maintain safe access
2. Apply de-icer to prevent ice formation
3. Inspect roof for damage or excess snow
4. Clean out gutters
5. Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing
6. Check windows and doors for drafts
7. Inspect furnace and other heating systems
8. Clear snow away from vents and exhaust pipes
9. Check for any broken or loose shingles
10. Shovel snow away from the foundation of the house
11. Make sure trees and shrubs have adequate snow coverage to protect
from strong winds
12. Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
13. Make sure pets have a warm, safe place to stay
14. Access emergency supplies such as food, water and flashlight
15. Have an emergency plan in place
16. Check for fire hazards
17. Stock up on non-perishable food items
18. Have a generator on hand in case of power outages
19. Have a snow shovel, ice scraper and rock salt at the ready
20. Wear proper attire when going outside
21. Prepare for power outages by having extra blankets and warm clothing
22. Keep a bucket of sand and/or cat litter to help with traction in icy areas
23. Check with neighbors to make sure they are taken care of
24. Have an emergency contact list ready in case of an emergency
25. Remember to stay warm and safe when shoveling snow
If you're new to Alaska and looking for a fun place to play in the winter ... checkout the town of Girdwood and Alyeska Resort!
I'm happy to give you any additional guidance you might need too.
AH | AdamHolzer.com
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